Konitsa (Province of Ioannina)

The area of the Municipality of Konitsa is a mountainous area of 42 villages, with the homonymous town, which has about 3,000 inhabitants, and is located at the northernmost point of the district of Ioannina. The city of Konitsa is located 64 km from Ioannina.

  • Elevation: 600 m
  • Area: 951,2 km2
  • Population: 6.362
official website

About pilot area: Konitsa (Province of Ioannina)

Majestic mountains, impressive fissures, geological formations, rich and dense forests, rushing rivers, rugged paths, picturesque villages, scattered monuments, small fertile valleys, and among all these, the picturesque town of Konitsa, with the plain and the numerous villages on the slopes of the big mountains of Northern Pindos, make up the diverse landscape of the Municipality of Konitsa.

The area of Konitsa is famous for the masterful construction of bridges that remain unchanged over time, such as the well-known Bridge of Konitsa, which is made up of a variety of religious monuments and offers the visitor the experience of Spa Tourism, with two thermal spas and many forms of alternative tourism such as kayaking, rafting, hiking, paragliding, etc.

Touristic thematics

  • Cultural
  • Historical
  • Landmark
  • Natural