Round Table Meeting in Nafpaktos - Establishment of Regional Network (RN) in Nafpaktos

27/09/2019 News

Round Table Meeting in Nafpaktos - Establishment of Regional Network (RN) in Nafpaktos

Round Table on the establishment of the Regional Network in Nafpaktos was held on Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 18:30 pm in the NAFPAKTIA building, in the framework of the European project "CI-NOVATEC - Customer Intelligence for inNOVAtive Tourism ECosystems" of the European Program Interreg Greece Italy 2014 - 2020.

The Regional Network, includes the Region of Western Greece, the Municipality of Nafpaktia, managers of widely recognized tourist points of interest, representatives of local tourism agencies, small and medium-sized businesses, cultural associations and sports associations.

During the meeting, the Protocol of Cooperation- Regional Network Agreement between the Region of Western Greece and the members of the network were presented.

The aim of the project, in which the Region of Western Greece participates as a lead partner, is to record and evaluate the experiences of visitors in relation to the services they receive at the level of their destinations. For this purpose, it was set up by a Regional Network in three pilot regions of the Region, Ancient Olympia, Kalavryta and Nafpaktos, which will mobilize local tourism synergies with the "protagonist" the visitor himself. Through an innovative methodology application, experience-based data will be collected, based on the result of the client-visitor. This will enable the user to collect qualitative data, ie the visitor - tourist. Once evaluated, these data will be used to facilitate business and policy decisions, as well as studies based on factual data. These studies will be channeled to policy makers, business stakeholders and to the partners of the project.

Greetings were given by the Vice Governor of Western Greece on Entrepreneurship, Research and Innovation Mr Fokionas Zaimis and the Mayor of Nafpaktia Mr Vassilis Giza.

In the program of the event, a brief description of the aims and benefits of CI-NOVATEC was presented by the project manager Mrs Vicky Karapanou, the presentation of the cooperation protocol - regional network agreement was present by communication officer and technical assistant Mrs Mary Stergiou, as well as the presentation of the platform of the CI-NOVATEC project by Mr Dimitris Karadimas, member of the University of Patras.

The meeting was attended by many representatives of stakeholders, and their opinions were expressed and recorded by the Western Greece Working Group. The intention was for everyone to participate in the regional network, after the agreement of their colleges, while many participants had signed the regional network agreement.

More information can be obtained from the project website, as well as from the project team:

  • Vasiliki Karapanou - Project Manager, e-mail:, phone: +302613613640
  • Konstantina Ladavou - Financial Manager, e-mail:, phone: +302613613636
  • Mary Stergiou - Communication Officer and Project Manager, e-mail:, phone: +302613613625