Promo meeting with the stakeholders of Ostuni pilot area

23/03/2021 Workshops

Promo meeting with the stakeholders of Ostuni pilot area

In the frame of the project CI-NOVATEC “Customer Intelligence for inNOVAtive Tourism ECosystems” financed by the CBC Programme INTERREG V-A Greece-Italy 2014/2020, the Puglia Region – Department of Tourism, Economy of Culture and Valorization of Territory organized an online meeting held on 19th March 2021 with the local stakeholders of Ostuni, one of the three pilot areas chosen by Puglia Region to develop new "tourism ecosystems" at micro-region level, in order to promote the platform CI-NOVATEC that allows to manage and promote tourism and culture in Puglia and Greece.

Moreover, thanks to this platform the economic operators can collect experience-based data from visitors, which will be used to facilitate business and political decisions in order to create added value for the local ecosystem of tourism.