News & events

20/06/2019 News

1st preliminary meeting for the Regional Network of CI-Novatec in Arta

The first preliminary meeting for the Regional Network of CI-Novatec in Arta (city center) was held on 12/06/2019, at 7:00 pm, in the selected pilot area of Arta regarding the Establishment of Regional Network.

15/05/2019 Events

Presentation of CI-NOVATEC project at ΙnnoXeniaCafé event

The innovative techniques and the applied strategies implemented in the tourism sector, was the subject of the InnoXeniaCafe event which was organized by the Region of Western Greece in Patras.

13/04/2019 News

The meeting of the round table in Kalavryta

On Wednesday, 3rd April, 2019 at the "Palaiologina Mansion", in the meeting of the round table, the Regional Network of the Kalavrita Pilot Region was established in the context of implementation of the European project "CI NOVATEC-Customer Intelligence for inNOVAtive Tourism Ecosystems" of the transnational programme Interreg Greece Italy 2014-2020.

08/02/2019 News

2nd meeting of the CI NOVATEC project in Bari

The 2nd meeting of the CI NOVATECCustomer Intelligence for innovative Tourism Ecosystems project was held on 4 and 5 February 2019, in the Chamber of Commerce of Bari in Italy.